Bite-size video library - Barclays Code Playground

All our Code Playground bite-size videos in one place

Here’s the collection of all of our bite-size videos, gathered together in one place. Perfect for those just starting out and for finding your next skill. Watch at a time that suits you to level up your coding ability.  

Scratch tour

Watch this video to start your coding journey by getting a guided tour of Scratch.

Scratch tutorials

The built-in tutorials have been developed by the Scratch team to help coders start their learning. They are a great way to get started and here we show you how.

Getting started

This video will show you basics of starting to code in Scratch. Get an introduction to the blocks and how they fit together to make things happen in your projects.

Making it move

Making your sprites move is a key part of most games and animations made using Scratch. Use this simple video to find out about different ways to control how your sprites move.


Scratch is great for using with other devices and systems. The extensions give you access to lots of cool features to help make your projects even better. Watch this video to find out the basics of using extensions.


Sometimes you need to repeat instructions in your project and loops are a quick and efficient way to do that. Loops are used in most coding languages from simple ones like Scratch to more complex text based languages. Watch this video to learn the basics about loops.


Conditional statements trigger parts of your code when something happens, so 'if' this happens, then run this code. Watch this video to see how to use conditional statements.


Inputs can be anything from pressing a key on your keyboard to video movement on your webcam. Whenever you use a device you are giving it inputs. Watch this video to find out about the different events in Scratch.

Broadcast messages

Broadcast messages are used to let one part of the code or project communicate with another part. This means that you can coordinate actions across multiple sprites using broadcasts. Watch this video to learn the basics of broadcast messaging.

Any questions?

Code Playground is all about offering the support you need. If you have a question, comment or suggestion, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.