Barclays Code Playground club

Last term's activities

Barclays Code Playground Club at your school

Our code club is designed to support you to run sessions for children aged 8-13 in your school, all for free. We already have a range of teachers resources that you can find here for planning coding lessons, but our code club is a little different. 

Our code club runs weekly during term time on a Tuesday at 3:30 GMT and on a Thursday at 4:00 GMT and is delivered by Barclays Digital Eagles, right into your classroom.

Alternatively you can run your own Barclays Code Playground club at a time to suit you using our code along resources.


Last term's activities

Last term our Barclays Code Playground code club focused on a variety of skills. We used the following projects, one each week and worked on the projects together. Don't forget to book your club onto our free online sessions for each week of term so that you never miss a session. However, if you choose to run your Barclays Code Playground club on a different day, the activities can be found below.

Week 1

Micro:bit introduction

A basic introduction to coding with the Micro:bit MakeCode editor. 

Week 2

Micro:bit invaders

This workbook will help you create our Micro:bit invaders game using the micro:bit MakeCode editor.  

Week 3

Micro:bit pet

This workbook will help you create our Micro:bit pet using the micro:bit MakeCode editor.  

Week 4

Micro:bit tools part 1

This was our first workbook for the BBC micro:bit and has a selection of simple projects to help you get started. 

Week 5

Micro:bit tools part 2

This was our first workbook for the BBC micro:bit and has a selection of simple projects to help you get started. 

Support for our code clubs

We’re always eager to hear feedback so we can make Barclays Code Playground an even better experience for anyone who joins. Any suggestions, comments, or questions, please let us know.